Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 Ate 9! 7 Ate 9 is a lovable math game. It’s small and portable, so you can play it at a restaurant (I have!). It’s a very fast moving game, though, so beware! You and your partner each have half of the deck. You draw as many as you want at a time. There will be a card in the middle, with either a +/-1, +/-2, or +/-3 on it. The numbers on the center of the card range from 1-10. You have to use the +/- numbers on the side of the card to find which card to play. (2+/-1=1 or 3. 9+/-3=6 or 2. (9+3=12, last digit is 2.))7 Ate 9

This is, I repeat, a speed game. Thus, you are not waiting for the other player to play a card! Your goal is to be the first person to finish your deck of cards by playing them. Then, eat the food you surely ordered before starting the game! Mmm, burrito bowl (my personal experience)! Yum!

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