You don’t want to Cross these Hares!

I tried Cross Hares by 1A Games at Capricon in February. In Cross Hares, you are little rabbits who are setting out to be the first one to destroy the Factory. Because of the factories fumes, all of us rabbits have mutated to speak and walk on two legs.

Cross Hares

Certain rabbits have Deployment Specialties. This means when they earn a Specialty marker, they can turn it back in and Deploy a Trap, Bounty, Hazardous Plant, or the Zombny, depending on the character1. If you land on any of these things2, you must take the bad stuff.

As you go up the path to the factory, there are many things that may happen. If you roll a number (1-5), you move that many spaces. If you roll the question mark, though, you may roll the research die. The results from the research die are almost always good (no guarantees, though).

When you get to the factory, you must make a choice. You can attempt to defeat the factory as if it were a regular enemy, or you can randomly pick a super cool special ending. The catch to the special ending is it might be good, it might not.

I would play this with convention friends and my parents.  This game takes at least two hours, but it’s worth it.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

1 Some characters are not able to Deploy Specialties.

2 Some exceptions are made. For instance, if you are adjacent to or on Weepoint (a Hazardous Plant), the bad stuff triggers, not just if you are on top of it.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is now a board game!

There is this game called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It is kind of like Candyland in the way you move. You draw a card and move the amount of spaces the card says. The cards also have poems from the movie.

The goal of the game is to be the first player to the Glass Elevator space on the board. On the way to the Glass Elevator, there are golden ticket spaces. You cannot win if you do not have 5 golden tickets by the time you reach the elevator.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

If you hit the point when you are about to advance to the final section leading to the elevator, you have to move in the Round Chamber until you have 5 tickets.

I would play this game with most people because of its sheer simplicity.

Rating: +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto ratingimage


Trivial Pursuit for Kids (All on DVD)

I recently tried Trivial Pursuit for Kids. First of all, you must have a DVD player. You insert the DVD into the player and chose a chapter. Then you choose which color you want and place your mini wagon wheel on the huge 2D wagon wheel.

The DVD’s animated people will ask you questions. Some questions are literally just questions. The first person to shout out the correct answer gets a specific color of wagon wedge. The other questions are challenges. For challenges, you move your mini wagon wheel to the correct answer on the huge wagon wheel.

The wagon wedges are specific ways of scoring. The person who has the most different colors of wagon wedges at the end of the game wins.

I would recommend playing this with someone in a similar age range as yourself.

Rating: +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto ratingimage


Evolution Just Evolved!

I first tried Evolution in November at a convention with Mom. I loved it. While Mom went to the art show and the dealer’s hall, I stayed and kept playing over and over again.

Recently, Evolution’s first expansion* came out. In the original, you have species cards with little cubes that say what the population and body size of that species are.

Each turn you play trait cards on your species. For instance, you could have a Horned species, which means that if a Carnivore tries to attack you it must lose one population. You have a maximum of three traits on each species. So, for instance, you could have a Climbing Horned Carnivore. After you play traits, you feed from the watering hole or food bank.

In the expansion, you can have flying species and several new traits. They also introduce event cards. So now you could have a Horned Avian (flying) species with Quills.

Evolution with Flight Expansion

In addition to the watering hole, there is also the cliff. Avian (flying) species can take from both the cliff and the watering hole when feeding, but land species can only take from the watering hole. The expansion also adds length to the game because of the additional cards.

I would play this game with my convention friends and my parents.

Rating (original): +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

Rating (expansion): +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

* Our copy was purchased through Kickstarter.


Who’s going to win DiXit?

Cassandra and I first played DiXit a couple years ago when we went to a gaming store for International Tabletop day. Silly me… I thought we could stay for an hour or so after lunch and then head home. It was closer to three hours later when we left, having played a variation or two of Fluxx, DiXit, and an assortment of other games. The game quickly made it onto our game shelf, but somehow sat unplayed until recently…. (Mom)

DiXit is an interesting way of describing pictures. On your turn, you play one card from your hand and give it a quick description. For instance, in the  picture shown at the bottom of the page, the clue was “Light.” After you make your description and play your card face down, everybody  else plays the card from their hand that they think best fits the description. You then shuffle all of the cards together and play them all face up.

Next comes the voting. Everybody takes their voting tiles and chooses the one with the number of the space where they think your card is. The numbers of the spaces are written on the side of the score board.

DiXitFinally, we score.* You reveal which card was yours. The scoring is quite possibly the trickiest part of the game. If everyone found your card, than you don’t get any points. If nobody guessed your card, you still don’t get any points. You want some people to figure out which one was yours, but not all, or you will not gain any points for that round. The first person to reach 30 points wins.

I would play this game with my immediate family and convention friends.

Rating: +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

* Well, everyone else does. If you look really closely at the picture, there are 3 little painted rabbits. I was the blue, way back on the 4.
