Off To Tokaido!

Tokaido is a beautiful game about Japan. In Tokaido, you are a traveler. You are walking across the board, stopping for cash and enjoyment along the way. The happier you are, the more points you get at the end. So let’s start that vacation!Tokaido

On the board, there are 5 inns. You must stop at each inn. Movement is simple… the person in the back moves anywhere up to the next inn. When you reach an inn, you look at that round’s meal cards (number of players + 1) and chose one if you can afford it. The only rule about which one you pick is you can’t have already had one. Each character tile has a special power. My character’s power was I could draw the top card of the meal deck and get it for free. This is because my character was the orphan.

In between inns, there are many places you can visit. There are the hot springs, where you draw a card and receive points. There are also panorama spots, where you take a break to paint a part of one of 3 panoramas.  There’s the farm, where you get some money, or the encounter space, where you draw an encounter card. You can donate money to the temple. Last but not least, you can purchase some souvenirs! Draw the top 3 and pick whichever ones you can afford.

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Fighting with Bullfrogs

Bullfrogs is a fun strategic game. In Bullfrogs, you have little frogs and lily pad cards. You play one lily pad card at the start of your turn. You aren’t competing over the cards, each color frog gets their own deck. You play the card adjacent to at least one other lily pad. Bullfrogs

The amount of moves per turn you get depends on the card you play. The less lily pad spaces on the card, the more turns you get. The lily pad spaces and the turns will add up to 7. When you put the card down, there should be a row of lily pad cards or 2 rows you can manipulate. They have to be in a straight row (like Rooks move in Chess). Any card in this row is a card you can affect.

There are 2 move options for your turn: place a frog or sabotage. When you place a frog you choose any lily pad card in your straight rows except the card you just placed. You may place up to 2 frogs on each lily pad card. There are also 2 types of frogs: Frogs and Bullfrogs.

Sabotaging has the same range as placing a frog. You may choose an opponent’s frog and move it one space to any adjacent lily pad card (adjacent to where it was, not adjacent to you.)

If a lily pad is full, frog wars break out. First, find out how many fighing points each person has. Frogs are 1 point, Bullfrogs are 2 points. The team who wins gets the points from the card.

When the battle is over, the lily pad sinks. The losing team evacuates first. The winning player decides which adjacent space the frogs move to. This is the order they evacuate: loser’s frogs, loser’s bullfrogs, winner’s frogs, and then finally winner’s bullfrogs. If they cannot evacuate, they sink with it. If a frog sinks, it comes back and gets reused. If a bullfrog sinks, it is out of the game. At the end of the game, you count up points. The frogs and cards are worth different amounts of points, depending on the criteria.

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Bank It!

If you really want that bike, save up money and Bank It! Bank It is a game where you are trying to get ten dollars in your bank account. First, however, you have to purchase something from each of the 4 stores (Pizza Palace, Barnes and Books, Toy Store, Sports Corner) and donate to a charity.Bank It

The most common spot on the board is one of the most important. It is the Bank It spot, and it is how you can get money consistently. Each Bank It card will have a different amount of money for you. Will you get $1.50 for chores… Or will you get $0.25 for Flower Power?

One of the worst encounters is with the Do You Have It space. This appears twice on the board.  Depending on which one you land on, you either break a window or buy a gift. Either way, you drop $0.50 on the ground.

There are many things to get. That Novel you’ve always wanted to read, that Stuffed Toy that’s oh so cute, that juice that looks so delicious, and that baseball bat you believe could withstand anything. Or maybe you want that printer, or that ooey gooey slice of extra cheese pizza, or that irresistible board game. Who knows? Find out for yourself in Bank It!

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Total Knock Out!

TKO is a Kickstarter that came with Fly (which I wrote about) and everything else in that Pack O’ Game. TKO is, of course, a boxing game. Be warned: there is humor to be found in a game with characters with names like Barry Punch and Will Bleed.TKO

TKO is a game where both players simultaneously pick one of 4 moves: uppercut, body blow, head block and body block. Each area starts at a different point level depending on the character. Then comes the scoring.

Here’s where things get tricky. If one person hits and the other blocks, but blocks the wrong section, the person who hit gets a point on that specific section. If one person hits and the other blocks it, that block earns a point for the person who blocked. Two punches to the same area cancel each other out, and two punches to different areas then both score.

Each round ends when someone has 5 points on a skill. When a round ends the winner gets the round token. Whoever has the most victories after 2 rounds wins, or if it is a tie, they play a third round. The winner gets the TKO Champion card!

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