Gold Ahoy!

Gold Ahoy! is a game my godmother, Marinda, lent us. (Marinda was also mentioned here.) It is really fun and simple, so I’m going to put some role-playing in this post. You have been warned.Gold Ahoy!

Ahoy, Mates! Ye shouldn’t be here! Me hears pirates washed ashore here! Right Boys? Argh!!! Aye, we be thinking ye should leave. Maybe take us with, ay? We don’t much fancy pirates! Hehe.

If ye be staying, let us tell ye our tales of woe. We be shipwrecked here, with only our cutlass and Polly here as company. We be loners in a wide ocean. And we be taking that ship o’ yours, too. What’s that? A contest over the ship? We accept, eh Polly? What it be about?

Oh, finding treasure, eh? That’ll be easy as steering a ship, eh? We be each finding paths to the treasure. Whoever finds the most paths wins, eh? Sounds fun, eh Polly? “Polly want a mango! Polly want a mango!* Aye, Polly, a mango be nice.

Aw, ye won by one chest. We just be waitin’ for the next scurvy seadog to come around. They always do, eh Polly? “Polly want a mango! Polly want a mango!” Aye, Polly, we best get back to our ship and sail home. We get a new ship next time.

In other words, I love this game. It’s simple and doesn’t take very long.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

* Because Polly doesn’t really want a cracker, aye?


Rally the Warhamsters!

Rally the Warhamsters! Prepare for the greatest race of all time… in Warhamster Rally! Warhamster Rally is a wonderful game involving strategy, luck, and sabotaging the other players.Warhamster Rally

In it, you choose a Dork Tower character. This is your character for the game. Each character has a special power that can be used once. Each space has an arrow on it. Whichever way it’s pointing is the way the Warhamster wants to go. Thus, at the beginning of the turn, you take your card that you chose last round, align it so the arrow on the card matches the one under your character, then move to where it says to go. Your goal is to get to past the Battle Budgie on the far end, cross the Post, then cross the post on the other side behind the other Battle Budgie.

To make a long story short, you drive a giant Warhamster around the board in a mad attempt to win a pointless race! Well, its not pointless. You know what I mean.

I recommend this for geeks who aren’t afraid to get their Warhamster butts kicked.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating


Geek Battle!

Geek Battle is a board game for very intense geeks. In it you have a choice of which character you want to play: Elf wizards, Mutant Robots, Space Heroes, or Brainiac Aliens. It’s really the geeky version of Trivial Pursuit.Geek Battle

Let me give you an example: In normal Trivial Pursuit, the question might be something like, “Who was president during the end of the second World War?”. In Geek Battles, they have questions like, “Weird Al Yankovic won a ‘Best Comedy Recording’ Grammy Award in 1984 for his version of which Michael Jackson song?” (The answer is “Beat it!” which he parodied to “Eat it!”)

In Geek Battle, the questions like the one listed above are used on your normal turn. If you land on a Geek Battle spot, you chose another player to compete with. Then another person reads a card with multiple answers, and both players alternate giving an answer until someone repeats one or says something that isn’t on the answer card. One example of a Geek Battle question is, “Name Monty Python Films.” (The answers are And Now for Something Completely Different, The Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Live at Hollywood Bowl, The Meaning of Life, and Almost the Truth.)

Warning: Not for the faint of heart or short of Geekdom.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating



Foosball is a game involving 22 characters on sticks, a ball, and a lot of fun. In foosball, you have 11 pieces: 1 goalie, 2 defense, 5 centers, and 3 offense. You drop the ball in the middle and kick it, trying to make a goal. It’s like miniature soccer.Foosball

I enjoy this game very much. I received a foosball table for my birthday this year. We’re going to use it at my birthday party as the Chasers/Keepers part of Quidditch. (Yes, I’m having a Harry Potter themed party.)

I have a particular liking for this game and would recommend it for anyone who either enjoys interactive skill games, or likes soccer.

I have found it to be especially wonderful when I’m not feeling well, as I can just stand up, play a round with my dad, and then go sit down again.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating
