Virus Alert! Virus Alert!

Virus Alert is a computer-oriented card game involving strategy and sabotage. You add different parts of the computer, like graphics and software (it doesn’t matter which ones) to the collection in front of you. You can sabotage the other player by playing piracy, which lets you steal 1 card from their collection, or cards like virus, which allows you to put virus tokens on the other players’ cards. You can also play cards to remove virus tokens from your cards. You win by having ten computer pieces without viruses on them.Virus Alert

When I played with my mother, I won! I actually won with closer to 13 computer pieces, since six of my cards had viruses early on. I however, managed to play a card that, by chance (rolling a d6), let me clear six virus tokens. That was great! I had around 4 graphics cards in play by the end.

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Kids of Catan

Kids of Catan is a children’s game from the Settlers of Catan. It was, unfortunately, discontinued before they came out with Catan Junior. I’ve played it since I was 3, and I personally enjoy it. While not necessary, I found the back story in the instructions quite fun, and also wryly amusing, as the Mad Robber is called Eric (I know several Erics).Kids of Catan

The characters are placed in slots on a spinning table, kind of like a Lazy Susan. Behind each character are 3 slots for resources. The red-roofed buildings are split into groups depending on the number of players. When you role the die, move 1, 2 or 3 spaces (depending on the role), and pick up the resource in that space if you don’t yet have it. If you land on Eric, take a resource of your choice out of your cart and put it in a matching color-coded space.

When you reach all three resources, unload them all and place one of your red-roofed buildings. When you run out of those, the next time you earn all three resources you place the green-roofed building. This symbolizes that you won.

Each of the little buildings has markings on it. They are actually symbolizing real places. There’s a church, a bakery, a butcher, a school, a tower, a gate, and 2 different types of houses, both of which come in larger quantities. The green-roofed building is the Town Hall. I love the simplicity of this game, yet at the same time the complexity of the story and buildings. I like the fact that the story isn’t necessary, but very complimentary.

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Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 Ate 9! 7 Ate 9 is a lovable math game. It’s small and portable, so you can play it at a restaurant (I have!). It’s a very fast moving game, though, so beware! You and your partner each have half of the deck. You draw as many as you want at a time. There will be a card in the middle, with either a +/-1, +/-2, or +/-3 on it. The numbers on the center of the card range from 1-10. You have to use the +/- numbers on the side of the card to find which card to play. (2+/-1=1 or 3. 9+/-3=6 or 2. (9+3=12, last digit is 2.))7 Ate 9

This is, I repeat, a speed game. Thus, you are not waiting for the other player to play a card! Your goal is to be the first person to finish your deck of cards by playing them. Then, eat the food you surely ordered before starting the game! Mmm, burrito bowl (my personal experience)! Yum!

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Wallamoppi is a very simple game, despite the strange name. But don’t take “simple” to mean “easy”. For easy it is not.Wallamoppi

In Wallamoppi, both players get a color (decided at random). The player with the dark piece goes first. You take turns drawing tokens at random and placing them, 8 in the bottom row, 7 in the next row, and so on. Then you reach the next phase.

The dark team goes first. When they’ve chosen a piece, they say “Ready!” and the other player drops a marble down a marble run. The team currently going has until the marble reaches the hole at the end of the run to pull out a piece, stack it on top of the tower (positioned on top of the pyramid), and stop the marble. All without knocking over the tower (though bumping the pyramid is fine).

This goes until someone either fails to stop the marble or knocks over the tower. The person that succeeds in not doing either wins! I found this game quite convenient, as our friends from Britain were over with their three-year old. It makes a quick play, simple to understand, while still being challenging to even the most experienced players.

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History is a Song

I’m going to say ahead of time, this post is a little off topic. I, however, felt the need to mention this group, who I have been listening to a lot.

History in music is something I was first introduced to through my cousin and uncle. Sabaton is a group of musicians that write songs about historic battles and warriors. We like to play their music while playing World of Warships (see previous post).

My favorite of their songs is The Lost Battalion, a World War I song about a group of Americans trapped by the Germans in the Argonne Forest. I have a project at my school where we’re studying the 1910’s-1920’s in Language Arts and making an Animoto video of it. I got special permission from my teacher and my partner to use this song as part of my project, since my friend and I chose World War I as our topic.

My second favorite song is Resist and Bite. Resist and Bite is a World War II song about the Belgian blitzkrieg, where forty men stepped to arms to hold off the Germans. They succeeded for a total of 18 days. Again, I love this group and suggest their music to those interested.
