Pink Hijinks

Pink Hijinks is yet another Looney Labs game. Kristin Looney had a deal: beat her at a game of Pink Hijinks, and you could keep it. Well, it took me three tries, but I won, and I got to keep the game.Pink Hijinks

My biggest highlight of this game is the portability. All nine pieces, the fabric board, the instruction manual, and the die fit in a small, pink, pyramid shaped zip-up bag with a clip for attaching it to stuff. I now have it attached to my school bag, so I can bring it wherever. One of my first days carrying it, I made a point of showing up in the library and playing it with the librarian. Clipped to the other side of my bag is my lunchbox, a white bag with the words “Human Organ for Transplant” printed in red. Ah, the good memories*.

Sometimes, the bottom edge of the pyramid shaped pieces snag on the fabric board, so one must be careful when moving pieces. As you play, it should eventually wear away the snags on the bottom of the pieces, taking this problem away.

Being portable, you can take this one into restaurants as well. You could play it with your friends during lunch, with your teacher during quiet time if you are done with your work, or with your cousin after school (all of these are applicable to me).

I enjoy Pink Hijinks and think that the portability makes it a big advantage, as you could also play it on an airplane during a long, boring flight (I have been on a lot of these). The other option is to fall asleep, since I doubt you are carrying enough books to last 9 hours (coming from a fast reader).


* The first time I brought this lunchbox to school, I had leftover chicken liver for lunch. I told all my friends that I had liver. They actually believed it! That says something about me, eh? When I opened my lunch, they asked me why it looked like that. I told them it was fried and breaded. When I ate it, they asked me how it tasted. Barely managing to keep a straight face, I responded, “Tastes like chicken!”


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