Patch your Work

Patchwork is an awesome, intense strategy game we got for my dad for his birthday. You are trying to patch a quilt. There’s a circle around the board made of strange looking pieces. There’s a marker in the circle. This comes in later.Patchwork

The person who has most recently used a needle goes first. After that, the person in back on the board goes next. You have 2 choices. Jump to the place directly in front of your opponent, taking 1 button per space you jumped over, or use your buttons to buy a piece. The pieces you can browse from are the 3 pieces directly clockwise of the marker(told you it was important!). You buy it for the stated amount of buttons and move the stated amount of spaces. When you buy the piece, move the marker to where the piece you are purchasing is in the circle. Take the piece and place it on your personal board.

If, using either method, you pass a button or tile space, there are special rules. If you pass a button, count how many button symbols you have on your personal quilt board and collect that many buttons from the bank. If you pass a tile space, assuming your opponent hasn’t already done so, take the special tile. Special tiles are the only 1×1 pieces in the game. The first person to get a solid, 7×7 section receives the 7×7 achievement, which counts in scoring. The game ends when someone reaches the end of the board. For scoring, you count your buttons, then subtract 2 for every empty space on your board. I won a game with my dad, 9 to -10! That’s saying something, as my dad is ridiculously good at logic games.

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