Evolution Just Evolved!

I first tried Evolution in November at a convention with Mom. I loved it. While Mom went to the art show and the dealer’s hall, I stayed and kept playing over and over again.

Recently, Evolution’s first expansion* came out. In the original, you have species cards with little cubes that say what the population and body size of that species are.

Each turn you play trait cards on your species. For instance, you could have a Horned species, which means that if a Carnivore tries to attack you it must lose one population. You have a maximum of three traits on each species. So, for instance, you could have a Climbing Horned Carnivore. After you play traits, you feed from the watering hole or food bank.

In the expansion, you can have flying species and several new traits. They also introduce event cards. So now you could have a Horned Avian (flying) species with Quills.

Evolution with Flight Expansion

In addition to the watering hole, there is also the cliff. Avian (flying) species can take from both the cliff and the watering hole when feeding, but land species can only take from the watering hole. The expansion also adds length to the game because of the additional cards.

I would play this game with my convention friends and my parents.

Rating (original): +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

Rating (expansion): +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

* Our copy was purchased through Kickstarter.


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