
Today, I want to talk about impressions. Not the imitation sort, but the “this is what I think about this” type of impressions. What people think about us plays a huge part in our lives, primarily what bad they may think if you do something wrong. We spend so much time troubling ourselves over little imperfections that they might notice that we completely overlook all of our winning traits, which are, ironically, usually what they do notice. There’s an amazing balance to it — no, Thanos, not that type of balance, what are you doing here? Go bother some other planet. — Anyhow, it seems poetic that in ourselves we see the bad, the flaws and mistakes, but in us others see all the good that we cannot.

This was something I first really encountered four(ish) years ago, when my dad fished up a blog post from a friend of mine about the day we met. I hadn’t thought much of it, but she must have, because it warranted what transfers to Google Docs as a solid three and a half pages. There was something extraordinarily enticing about reading someone’s honest opinion of me.

On that note, I’d like to call out Cheshire Moon and thank them for Apple, a personalized version of their song Critters. It, just like that blog post, was a moving reminder of the good that others see, even when I can’t, and there is a uniqueness to the inspiration I get from both of them, not as a call to be more, but as a reminder of what I already am, and to not lose sight of that in the midst of the bad.


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