Tip Of My Tongue

We’ve all had moments where there was a word, we knew what it meant, maybe approximately how long it was or what it started with, but we couldn’t for the life of us remember what the word was. Where it’s right there, right on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t remember what exactly it is. It’s infuriating to say the least, and if you’re obsessive like I am, you then spend the rest of the day on and off contemplating what that word might have been.

Not anymore! As random information that I stumbled across while browsing the Internet has so enlightened me, there is a website called, shocker, Tip of My Tongue, made for this exact purpose. Forgot a word? Just go to Tip Of My Tongue! It can take a few tries to match up the definitions, and it isn’t perfect, but it’s quite helpful nonetheless.

Here’s how it works: There are four rows, Partial Word, Letters, Word Meaning, and Refine Search. Partial Word allows you to type in what it may start and end with, or contain somewhere in the middle. Letters also has three functional settings, Unscramble, Must have, and Can’t have. Word Meaning hypothetically allows for multiple meanings to the word, but I’ve found it easier to just use one and adjust how I word it until it matches up. Refine Search is for the minimum length, maximum length, and whatever the word may sound like.

As an author, and just a compulsive human in general, this has saved me multiple headaches of trying to find the word I want to use, whether it’s in a story, an essay, or a speech.


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