Murder of Crows

Yes, that’s what a group of crows is called. But no, that’s not actually what I’m going to talk about today. Not that way. I’m here to, for the first time in a couple of weeks, actually talk about a game! Yeah, I know, it’s about time, but there’s a reason we re-branded….

Murder of Crows

Anyhow, there’s this game called Murder of Crows that I got in my stocking for Christmas. Crows are actually barely involved, it’s mostly about the murder. Each of the five letters (yeah, there are five letters in “murder”: the “r” only counts once) has an effect when played. It either affects the players’ hands or their murders, which are the cards set out in front of them. When you play a card, you put it in the stack for that letter (“r” has two stacks but one effect). The goal is to get the six stacks necessary to spell out “murder.”

Once you spell murder, you get my favorite part of the game: the story. Each letter has a part of a sentence (who, where, why, how…) that, when put together, create a story. As a writer, I love this method, and it gives you some interesting stories, like the guy who killed someone in a dark alley with nail clippers thanks to a misguided sense of justice. Not as well worded here as it was with the cards, but just be glad you didn’t get the pictures. The bloody nail clippers are the stuff of nightmares.


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