Box Fort!

Capricon has rolled around again, and as some of you may recall, last year I mentioned (here) that my cousin and her friends run a party called the Box Fort. Standardly, we’d arrange one of the party rooms at the con with pillars and arches and partial walls of boxes, complete with thematically appropriate cardboard cut-out decorations and markers so people could draw on the fort. This year, of course, Capricon had to go virtual, so the box forts are a DIY project. And in our house, where there are boxes, there are cats.

A mostly symmetrical box structure with Arwen sitting on one of the uppermost back left boxes.
A mostly symmetrical box structure with Zuko traversing one of the bridges across it.

Unfortunately none of the real cats are in the next photo, but I wanted to share it anyways. Since most of the boxes were in the living room in the fort shown above, and Mom and I were attending the parties’ Zoom rooms separately… I made my fort out of plush instead.

Cilantro the alligator has his head on top of a tiger who's propped on a Cthulhu, Cilantro's feet and tail tucked into the bed railing to form a bridge. A blanket is draped across him and secured between a sea lion and a stack of books, forming a canopy, and the bed rail is lined with other plush.

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